Jeremy Carver is the creator of the American superhero television program Doom Patrol. The series’ cast of characters includes Jane (Diane Guerrero), Vic Stone...
We’re counting down the days until the release of The Crown Season 5! Netflix’s popular historical drama centered around the life of Queen Elizabeth...
Damon has demonstrated a certain pragmatism and efficiency in his casting decisions, favoring reputable directors over self-funding risky passions in those Matt Damon performances....
Melissa McCarthy established herself as one of Hollywood’s most fearless and funniest actors with her scene-stealing Melissa McCarthy performance in the blockbuster comedy Bridesmaids....
The television series Gilmore Girls was developed by Amy Sherman-Palladino and starred Lauren Graham (Lorelai Gilmore) and Alexis Bledel (Rory Gilmore). Gilmore Girls was...
Lily Collins has been wowing audiences with her acting and performing skills for years. The 32-year-old actress has accepted jobs in cinema and television,...