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No one is watching Heartland Season 15! Here’s why

Nobody will watch Heartland Season 15! Here is WHY!
Nobody will watch Heartland Season 15! Here is WHY!

Today, we’re saluting you with some bittersweet news. The good news is that Heartland Season 15 is on its way. The bad news is, no one will be watching. Well, we know that it is a bold statement to have. However, we have strong views to support such a radical theory. Yes, we can’t believe we’re saying this but there is a high chance that our beloved Canadian TV show Heartland might have lost its mojo. Is it possible to reverse this bitter fate? Let’s figure it out together!

Ty Borden’s Sudden Death in Heartland Season 14

Everything started when the show decided to break its ways with one of the most loved characters, Ty Borden, played by Graham Wardle. The demand came from Wardle himself, as he wanted to pursue other career paths after spending 14 years in the Heartland family. It seems like Wardle was dreaming of such a departure for the past two years. In fact, he informed the showrunners as early as 2018 of his intentions, so that they can write down a proper script that is paving the way for his character’s death.

Even though unlike many characters’ deaths on TV, this was a pretty calculated one, it still hit very hard as many could not believe how Ty can be killed off so suddenly. It showed that no matter how good your writing is if you are killing a beloved character, it will have an impact on the show. And this impact has been quite visible on the Heartland.

Heartland- Who is Leaving Heartland (Tim Ty Amy)

Heartland – Who is Leaving Heartland (Tim, Ty, Amy)

Graham Wardle aka Ty Borden isn’t in Heartland Season 15 Cast List

It is true that Heartland has a very strong cast, powerful plot, and amazing landscape that managed to gain a cult following consisting of millions of viewers worldwide. And yet, all these qualities seem to have failed when it comes to covering up the loss caused by Ty’s death. Ty was one of the central characters of the show. He was a lost boy at first with a troubled background.

In time, he became an inseparable piece of Heartland ranch as he has become very qualified in everything related to the animals, horses in particular. He also became very valuable to the Heartland family with his kind heart, hard-working nature, and good intentions. His most valuable bond, however, was formed with Amy, the granddaughter of the owner of the ranch.

The two had instant chemistry with each other in Season 1. Afterward, their back and forth lasted for a few more seasons until they giving up on games and decide to be exclusive to each other. This beautiful relationship turned into marriage at one point and the couple had a lovely daughter together, Lyndy. The romance between Amy and Ty was so impactful that most of the audience were watching the show only for the sake of this young and passionate couple. Watching a relationship grow for almost 14 years is a true investment and thus millions of fans dreamt of seeing the couple getting old together.

Heartland Season 14 Amy and Ty

Heartland Season 14 Amy and Ty

Heartland TV Show Ratings After Ty Borden Leaves

Unfortunately, these dreams fell off the bridge when Ty got shot in the Season 13 finale and then die from a blood clot in 1st episode of Season 14. The incident caused massive shock waves among the fans as many could not hold their tears while others got seriously angry. As a result, thousands of people decided not to watch the series anymore, refusing to be a part of a show that lacks Ty.

The ratings of Season 14 prove this decision’s reflection on the number of views. Compared to the previous season, Season 13, Season 14 witness a massive drop in ratings. The highest-rated show of Season 13 is episode 5 with an average of 9.6 while the lowest rating of the season belongs to episode 9 with 9.2. In season 14, however, the highest-rated episode is Episode 5 with 8.9 while the lowest rating belongs to Episode 1 with 8.3. So, the numbers talk and signal that Season 15 will probably witness even a greater drop in the ratings.

Will you continue to watch Heartland? Do you think the series lost its mojo after Ty’s death? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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  2. Pingback: Heather Conkie From Heartland - Who wrote Heartland script?

  3. Peter

    October 30, 2021 at 3:04 am

    I detected a subtle change in Heartland after season 11. The romance between Ty and Amy was downplayed so dramatically that I lost interest. As a hopeless romantic throughout my adult life, it reminded me of the life I had with the love of my life for 47 years—so similar to the life portraid by the characters of Amy and Ty. I watched season 13 and 14 on Netflix one time and lost total interest. Now I watch seasons 1 thru 11 repeatedly each night. It works for me.

  4. T

    November 2, 2021 at 11:11 pm

    Millions are watching heartland and no, it has not lost its mojo! It’s great! Thank you very much!.

  5. Pingback: What happens to Luke from Heartland? - Luke Kashani

  6. LaNette Parks

    November 15, 2021 at 9:36 am

    I’m watching Heartland episodes for the third time! I love this show. Just saw that Netflix has season 14. I am so excited to watch it there, as I’ve been watching it on the Peacock network. I will definitely be watching season’s 14, 15 or any other seasons they might have!

  7. Peter W

    December 7, 2021 at 1:06 am

    A BIG NO !!!, I won’t be watching season 15, or any further seasons if there are any, WITH THE DEATH OF Ty, (actor Graham Wardle, leaving the show) Not the same, for years I feel the show was really about the love between Ty and Amy, and all the things they went through, the rest of the cast was just fillers, although it gave the story a positive family story. To take Ty out of the picture, just leaving Amy to deal with the loss of Ty, just not the same… But, I completely understand why Graham decided to leave the show, 13 years is a long time to play the same character, for any actor, and why wouldn’t he want to do something different. Its really too bad though, after watching 13 seasons, of Ty and Amy finally getting married and having a child, building a house of their dreams together, which never got finished, and then Bang, Ty’s gone.
    I think a lot of folks share the same feelings as I do
    and I feel Amber and Graham should’ve gotten married 🙂

    • Glori

      March 16, 2022 at 10:46 pm

      I love the show even tho Ty is gone. The characters are great, the love of family is still there and most people will still watch. Yes some are upset of Ty leaving but the quality of the stories are still there. Give the shows a chance.

  8. Brenda

    December 11, 2021 at 3:08 am

    Without actually seeing Season 15 in US, I read little bits about the episodes through Facebook. I think Ty’s death left many heartbroken. I found Heartland through Netflix and enjoyed the cast, the scenery, good old fashion family TV.And I found it during the pandemic when the world was in lockdown and life as we knew it was different from then on. Heartland was so engaging. It gave me joy, an escape from reality. I totally understand why Graham wanted to leave after 14 years. We were all grasping for joy and happiness again and for me I wanted a happy ending, not another death and sadness. To many of us it allowed some calm, peace and a break from reality. Heartland gives us an escape to watch a family show with talented writers and actors, beautiful scenery, andescape from the number of people dying.

  9. Deborah Spence

    December 15, 2021 at 5:17 pm

    Heartland season 14 and 15 has a huge piece of the show missing. The producers should try and bring Graeme Wardle back.
    The tv show needs the piece puzzle piece , bs k in to complete it .
    Bring your rating back up !!

  10. RAT

    January 8, 2022 at 11:49 pm

    Amir would be good to come back. Move to the new home he showed
    her and combine both the love of horses, rehab and showing. Maybe call the new ranch RehabLand

  11. Cm

    January 23, 2022 at 2:01 am

    I personally think it was stupid to kill off ty. The writers & producers should have found another actor to portray ty and then if it didn’t work they could have killed him off then in a better way. To me the show is nothing more than a show of grief and mourning now. The only way to save the show is to somehow find a way to bring back ty which could be done using like witness protection over the poachers he fought with in Mongolia.

    • connor

      March 26, 2022 at 7:45 pm

      HE is the one that wanted to leave the show the writers did not write he off he decided to leave.

  12. Beverly Murley

    March 9, 2022 at 6:31 pm

    I’m very upset they killed off Ty he was the main character to me should have brought someone who could look like him to replace him very disappointed

  13. L Anderson

    March 10, 2022 at 2:59 am

    I agree – Ty needs to come back – in addition to the idea about witness protection, there are several ways it can be done – the ashes given to Amy were ffom some one that was a John Doe and his records got mixed up with Ty’s who was in a comma; after coming out of the comma he had amnesia – he ends up in Calgary and is discovered by Jack.

  14. Mike von Disterlo

    April 12, 2022 at 3:23 pm

    I believe in the witness protection program angle for bringing Ty back. Graham is young and, as such, has dreams and ambitions that caused him to look beyond his successful run on this show.

    I have been there too in my life. But as a trusted advisor, senior in both age and wisdom, told me earlier on in my career path “when you think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, don’t be surprised to find that it’s brown on both sides”.

    Im coping with the heartache of Ty’s sudden departure by now having watched the first 13 seasons 3 times, as I find the escapism personally therapeutic.

  15. CJ

    April 29, 2022 at 1:13 am

    Much of the appeal of the show was Ty and Amy’s relationship. With Ty as a vet it provided many interesting side stories with Scot Cardinal and the clinic. It’s now out of the show. Ty provided side stories with the animal shelter and that is now out of the show. The entire Heartland world has shrunk considerably and is much more character interaction than stories involving other places – the small town where the slide trapped the horses and other settings that made the show interesting. Sorry, but Ty’s departure took much more away from the show than just his character. His world also has been removed. It isn’t the same and I don’t see Heartland surviving long. It had a great run but with the main male role gone, it just isn’t as appealing.

  16. Beth Lewis

    May 30, 2022 at 5:28 am

    When they killed off Ty, I immediately stopped watching. I am sick of the killing off of beloved characters. I watch tv for a diversion from reality. I do not need to be feeling negative emotions over a fictional character. The actor hasn’t wanted to be a regular part of the show for years which was obvious to all the viewers. They should have recast him years ago. I think that would have worked earlier on. It would be easy for people to correct the mistaken idea that killing off major characters is good for ratings or quality writing. Stop watching. It’s that simple. Just stop letting them get away with it.

  17. David

    September 8, 2022 at 6:18 am

    I just recently discovered the series on Netflix, and immediately became addicted, especially drawn to the magnetic relationship between Ty and Amy. Their marriage was a great model for marriages today. With the chemistry of that relationship now gone, the series – in my opinion – has lost a lot of its MOJO. No disrespect to the other actors and actresses, they made the series that much richer. I can’t say whether or not I’ll continue to watch, but thanks for 13 great seasons – season 14 was just not the same. Good luck to all!

  18. Joe

    October 19, 2022 at 3:04 am

    I have been watching this show from beginning and I am very angry at the decision to kill Ty off especially since we had to wait so long for him and Amy to finally fulfill their dreams of marriage, family and working together. It was truly amazing for it to finally come together only to be disappointed by the death of Ty. I know they are just actors but to make Ty overcome all he did and promise his dead father he would never destroy his family and of course no one has an idea when they may die but I still don’t understand why they couldn’t of either replace his character with a look alike or the practical thing to have Ty in witness protection from the poachers he sent to prison to protect his family and bring him back after this hiatus from Heartland. Their is so many different roads they could of taken. I have watched a couple of shows but it’s becoming not watchable as the heart in Heartland is missing. Graham if you are listening come back you can always do podcasts any other projects and bring back Heartland back to life !

  19. Allen Witt

    November 25, 2022 at 11:22 pm

    I love the show very much but I cant watch it anymore after season 13 after the death of ty he and Amy’s character were great on the show and just made the show for me

  20. Rusty

    December 26, 2022 at 11:28 pm

    Amy and Ty are so natural together. I think it’s the best love story I’ve seen. How Ty was alway supportive of her and Amy of him. The two should have been able to carry on the Heartland story. Amy, Ty and Jack are so good together. The show is not the same without Amy and Ty together. I probably won’t watch it anymore. Very sad.

  21. April k

    March 11, 2024 at 4:54 pm

    I’ve been watching this show for the past month and I totally love the Amy and Ty love story and killing him off broke my heart!! I know the actor wanted something else but you could have left it where he could come back if he wanted to down the line. But you didn’t you just killed him off and I honestly don’t understand why you could have done a plane crash where they thought he was dead but you just killed him off!! Sorry but I’m so upset I watched this for a whole month nonstop and Ty is dead. It was one of the greatest love stories I’ve seen in a while that I couldn’t wait to watch it and now I’m so upset. I wish they didn’t do this!

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