Jeremy Carver is the creator of the American superhero television program Doom Patrol. The series’ cast of characters includes Jane (Diane Guerrero), Vic Stone...
Fans of Japanese action-drama production gather, we will meet Rurouni Kenshin The Beginning cast members! In Rurouni Kenshin The Beginning, Kenshin is a ruthless...
Kim Jin-woo is the director of the upcoming South Korean streaming television series A Model Family. Jung Woo, Park Hee-soon, Yoon Jin-seo, and Park...
The British sitcom Miranda, starring Miranda Hart, was the main inspiration for the American television comedy Call Me Kat. Mayim Bialik plays the title...
The 2020 French action thriller film Lost Bullet was written and directed by Guillaume Pierret. The first film stars Ramzy Bedia, Kamel Guemra, Nicolas...