Over the course of 15 long years, there is one episode of Heartland that requires deep examination and it is Heartland Season 14 Episode 1.
The best thing about Heartland is its characters. Everyone in the series has unique personalities and different paths in life that we love to keep up with. The show never fails us in presenting wholesome characters dealing with true stakes in life. There are no ridiculous purposes or meaningless quests that take away all the realistic elements in a show. Instead, there is life with its pure existence and a little sprinkle of hope.
Hope is the essential part of the show since even the worst events are not causing any pessimistic thoughts. Not only do the scenario and the acting do a great job in keeping the hope alive constantly, but also the cinematography makes wonders as we always witness beautiful mountains, inspiring sunsets, and inviting forests. So, watching Heartland is a therapeutic event that we are looking for every day.

Heartland Ranch
Heartland Characters
That being said, the worst thing about Heartland is also its characters and hopeful nature. Since we are obsessed with these characters, anything that is bad happening to them hurts us much more than any other character’s tragedies in any other show. We are highly attached to these people that we have been watching for the past 15 years and we cannot imagine a world where there is no Ty Borden. So, as you can imagine, when one of those characters de suddenly, it is a major blow in the face for us that we struggle to handle. Can you guess who we are referring to? Yes, we are referring to no other than Ty Borden and his devastating death in Heartland Season 14.

Heartland Ty Borden Amy Marshall Wedding
Get to Know Heartland Ty Borden
Ty Borden was one of the vital elements of the show since 2007 when the series first took off. He was a new addition to the ranch as he had no place to go and needed money and shelter. Thankfully, Heartland was very welcoming towards him. He is trained to be a true rancher there. With his hard-working nature, it took very limited time for him to prove himself in this occupation. Then, he went to university to be a vet and proved himself as a great vet who is trying to reach out the every struggling animal across the world.
His ambition was bigger than our imagination, and we loved to watch his adventures throughout the years. His relationship with Amy was yet another highlight of the show that we loved more than anything else. Their chemistry was top notch and they managed to impress us all with their angsty but also a genuine affection for one another that lasted for more than a decade. Ty’s death in Heartland Season 14, regrettably, has been the reason why the couple failed the last forever.

Ty and Amy are no longer together since Heartland Season 14.
Heartland Season 14 Episode 1
With the title Keep me in Your Heart, the 1st episode of Heartland Season 14 was perhaps the saddest episode of Heartland so far. It witnessed Ty’s death and the immediate reactions of the family. Throughout the episode, our characters struggled to acknowledge the fact that Ty is gone and there is nothing they can do about it. Their pain consumed them as they forced themselves to be at peace knowing that he is in someplace better right now.
The entire episode was marked by the family sticking for one another at the most vulnerable time for them. And still, the episode was not delusional in dealing with mourning. Meaning that the regular life was also going on in the background, proving once again how realistic the Heartland is.
What did you think about Heartland Season 14 Episode 1? Were you surprised when you see Ty collapsing for the first time?
Also Read: How Would It Be If We Saw Ty Borden In Heartland Season 15?