Love Like The Galaxy season 2 is the sequel to the Love Like The Galaxy television series, the first season of which was released in 2022. This Chinese television series is in the genre of drama, mystery and history. The first season of the Love Like The Galaxy series, which was originally based on a book, was divided into 2 parts. The first track of season 1 was released on July 5, 2022, and the second track was released on July 27, 2022.
The plot of Love Like The Galaxy revolves around Cheng Shao Shang. Cheng Shao Shang, who lived with her aunt for many years as her family went to war, grew up without love and care. When her family returns, she feels alien to them and incapable of showing her love and other feelings. Cheng Shao Shang meets the emperor’s adopted son. Although she sees him as cold and cruel, she changes her mind as time passes. Her friendship with the emperor’s adopted son, Ling Bu Yi soon opens the door to a mystery. This mystery includes herself and her family.
The Love Like The Galaxy series was especially appreciated for its editing and the handling of the subject, and gained a worldwide reputation. That’s why fans are excited for Love Like The Galaxy season 2 of the series. Will there be a sequel to the Chinese TV series?
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Love Like The Galaxy Season 2 Release Date
Love Like The Galaxy Season 2 Release Date
The 1st season of the Love Like The Galaxy series was published in 2 parts. The series currently has 56 episodes. The first season of the Chinese television series aired in July of 2022. Each episode of the series is approximately 45 minutes long. New episodes are added every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and new episodes will continue to be added until 30 August. It’s too early to talk about the season 2 release date, as Love Like The Galaxy season 1 hasn’t been completed yet.
Chinese dramas usually have a single season and have an average of 40 episodes. That’s why the Love Like The Galaxy television series will likely end with one season. But in some cases, Chinese television series may have more seasons. In this case, the second season will come in 2023 at the earliest. If it is broadcast at the same time as the 1st season, the 2nd season will be published as of July 2023.
Love Like The Galaxy Season 2 Trailer Release Date
The Love Like The Galaxy television series releases trailers for each episode. The first trailer, which was released before the series was released, was released on July 5, 2022. Therefore, if season 2 arrives, the trailer will be released very close to the release date of the season. The earliest date for the Love Like The Galaxy season 2 trailer could be July 2023. However, since Chinese television series are usually 1 season, first of all, the series should be renewed for the 2nd season.

Love Like The Galaxy Part 1 Ending Explained
Love Like The Galaxy Part 1 Ending Explained
The Love Like The Galaxy deals with the relationship between the adopted son of the Chinese Emperor and Cheng Shao Shang, and how this relationship unravels a family mystery. When the 1st part of the first season of The Love Like The Galaxy was released, the audience was also curious about the ending.
At the end of The Love Like The Galaxy season 1 part 1, the Emperor’s son, Ling Bu Yi, tells Cheng Shao Shang’s father that his daughter is someone special, and Cheng Shao Shang overhears. Cheng Shao Shang also learns that Ling Bu Yi has been mean to her and begins to think that he is a bad person. Thus ends the Chinese television series The Love Like The Galaxy season 1 part 1.
Love Like The Galaxy Review
It took the theme of the TV series The Love Like The Galaxy from a book and turned it into a screenplay. After the series aired on television, it garnered a lot of attention and gained a fan base. The audience of the series found the series successful. One of the most appreciated in this series of mystery, drama and history was the flow of the subject and the development of the characters.
Although it is a drama series, character developments and the flow of the subject take place at a very optimal pace in The Love Like The Galaxy series. The background stories of the characters and their reflection on the relationships make the series multidimensional. The fact that the series contains light comedy elements in some places also makes it more enjoyable to watch. This internationally acclaimed Chinese television series receives generally positive reviews.
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Barbara Lindsey
September 9, 2022 at 10:54 pm
I really enjoyed the series. However, I would love to see the 2 be married and start their life as a couple. I also would like to see how they interact with one another as a couple. They act well together but the open ended series leaves the fan wanting more. I really enjoy the Chinese dramas because they are clean and I love the costumes. Can’t wait to see a sequel to Love zlike the Galaxy ne t year. I will definitely be watching. Thanks
Vanessa S.
October 20, 2022 at 12:39 pm
I enjoyed this award wining drama. It gave me everything, mystery, love, romance, action, drama, comedy and great chemistry between the two leads. I was quite disappointed with the ending because we did not get a wedding. Please, please give us another season. The actor who plays Ling Bu Yi should receive an actor of the year award. He was amazing in this drama.
This is the best drama of 2022.