Today we are welcoming you with a major topic that we have been looking forward to checking out for a long time. It is no secret that we have a special interest in Western shows. Heartland and Yellowstone are both shows that make us feel like we are living through lucky times. The Western genre is arguably having its golden age following the reign of John Wayne movies, and this is thanks to the success of Heartland and Yellowstone.
That being said, we have to admit that despite sharing a genre in common, the two shows are almost completely different from one another. Their differences might be more than their similarities, which proves that Western is a pretty diverse genre that can produce quite different shows. In our opinion, this is a total blessing for the genre, since it is never boring and as an audience, we never know what to expect when it comes to Western shows.

John and Rip
Similarities Between Yellowstone and Heartland
First of all, let’s take a look at both shows and remember what they were about. Yellowstone is taking place in Montana and follows the Duttons, the family that owns the biggest ranch in the state. Duttons are not your typical family, as they are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to their business.
Their ranch is all that matters for them, and their whole life is built to improve Yellowstone and preserve it against all costs. Heartland, on the other hand, is taking place in Alberta, Canada. It is following the Flemings, the owners of the Heartland ranch. They are a typical Canadian family who is highly devoted to each other. We believe that it would not be so wrong to claim that the most important thing for the Flemings in life is their family and their relationship with each other.
Now, we can direct our attention to the similarities of both shows. As you can see, both Heartland and Yellowstone are taking place on a ranch and follows a family of ranchers. This is a major similarity for sure, as it constitutes the backbone of both series. Both shows are obsessed with the horses, and almost all episodes have a sequence of a brief horse show. In other words, we get to see horses doing amazing things in both of the series constantly, which is amazing.

Heartland Amy
Where are Yellowstone and Heartland located?
At this point, we also have to mention the incredible landscape of both series. Alberta and Montana are nothing alike. However, they both are beautiful in their way, as nature has blessed these two places. Another interesting similarity is the fact that the mothers of both ranches are dead. And, they were dead before the shows even started. This means that both ranches are ruled by patriarchal heads who are strong, countrymen who are always there for their families. The women of the families are also highly present in both of the shows, as both ranches are operating as a family business.

Yellowstone Beth Dutton
What are the differences between Yellowstone and Heartland?
When it comes to the differences, we have a lot more to say. Despite having so many similarities, the tones of the two series are completely different. While Heartland grasps a more romantic tone based on human interactions, Yellowstone has more of an action drama vibe as there is a constant political and among the prominent powers of Montana. In Heartland, family bonds are the key factor in the show that makes it so unique. Almost every single character is a genuinely good person. We can say that the show has no true villains. Even the morally ambiguous characters have some redeemable qualities.

Heartland Family
Yellowstone is more serious
In Yellowstone, however, almost everything is strictly business-oriented. Besides, there are no good people. Well, of course, we are not claiming that it is easy to label people as good or bad since they are both subjective terms. Nevertheless, in general, every character in Yellowstone has some questionable morals that make them unique, lovable but also hateable at the same time.
Even the romance arcs in the two series are completely different from one another, even though love is a universal feeling. In Heartland, the biggest romance was between Amy and Ty, whose relationship started back when they were teenagers and continued for years until Ty’s death. Their relationship was always heartwarming, as they were both very in love and had no hesitation in making sacrifices for each other.

Heartland Characters
Heartland is more romantic
In Yellowstone, the major romance is taking place between Beth and Rip. They have also been in love since they were teenagers. However, their romance is much more passionate, complicated, and difficult to label as pure love. Yes, they are in love. But, despite this love, the two characters’ egos and pride keep them from having a proper relationship for decades. Their love is rough, merciless and it is experienced in a way that only the two of them can understand.
When it comes to the heads of the families and the ranches, we have to look at the characters of Jack and John. Jack is a strong man who has had a busy life that had its ups and downs. His experiences sometimes can turn into a burden for him as he struggles to face the past.

John Yellowstone
Which one is your favorite?
And yet, in general, thanks to these experiences, he is always the perfect father figure who knows what to say at all times. He is very compassionate toward his family and always in favor of communication. John, on the other hand, is a really difficult man. He has a hard time vocalizing his feelings and showing his love and care to his children. Thus, he is often struggling in keeping his family together, since no one feels loved in Yellowstone ranch.
All these things are considered, it is clear that the target audiences of both these shows are very different. Both of the series are great in their specific ways, and we cannot pick a favorite among the two.
Also Read: 6666 Will Be Better Than Yellowstone?

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