Heartland is undoubtedly one of the biggest TV shows that have ever been released. It has been on the air for more than a decade with a strong fan base that demands more of it every single year. In fact, even though the 15th season of the series just hit the screen, the fans are already looking for news on Heartland Season 16, wondering when it will grace them with its presence.
It is not news that despite its massive stress and cult following Heartland has gone through a tough year from which it still struggles to recover. Thow lost one of its main characters in a sudden incident, which caused outrage among the audience. From that point on, the show has become unable to go back on track as its storyline had to be shifted. Once being focused on a great love story and family life of Amy and Ty, now the show had to write a brand new life for Amy in which she is a single mother mourning for her late husband.
This new concept, combined with the still-lasting shock of Ty’s death, let many stop watching the series entirely. Nevertheless, despite the declining ratings and overall questionable reviews on the newer episodes, it is true that Heartland is still the best show on CBC. Thus, the fans argue that it is unlikely for the network to cancel Heartland at any time soon. Besides, the fans underline that the series is just starting to build a new story for many of its characters, especially Amy. Thus, it would be not very smart to end the show at this point.
Based on these views, let’s question the possibility of having Heartland Season 16 in the upcoming period.

Heartland Season 16 is on the way.
Heartland Season 16
In our opinion, there is a high possibility that Heartland Season 16 will be on the corner as soon as the 15th season of the series is being wrapped up. Still, unfortunately, in the great Heartland tradition, it is unlikely for the showrunners to announce the renewal of an upcoming season months after the end of the previous one. Thus, in order to have an official confirmation, we will probably have to wait for months.

Lyndy and Amy
Heartland Season 16 Release Date
According to our calculations, Heartland Season 15 will probably come to an end at around December. If Heartland Season 16 would be announced two or three months after this wrap-up, we can expect Heartland Season 16 to be released on September 2022. We believe that even though the scenario for the upcoming season is probably already ready, it would take at least six months for the filming and the post-production process to be completed.

Amy and Tim
Heartland Season 16 Cast Members
Yes, Heartland made us all shocked by killing Ty back in Season 14. However, if we can manage to avoid such instant departures, we will probably have more or less the same cast for the Heartland Season 16 as well. This means that we will get Amber Marshall as Amy Fleming, Michelle Morgan as Lou Fleming, Shaun Johnston as Jack Bartlett, Alisha Newton as Georgie Fleming, Chris Potter as Tim Fleming, Jessica Steen as Lisa Stillman, and Ruby and Emmanuella Spencer as Lyndy Borden.

Heartland Season 16 Spoilers
When it comes to the plot of the new season, we have some estimations. First, we expect Amy to have a brand new romance by the time we reached Heartland Season 16. Besides, Lyndy will probably have more scenes than ever since she will probably be treasured as the future of Heartland. Lastly, we expect Georgie and Quinn to tie the knot and become the power couple of the show.
Also Read: Why Did Heartland Kill Off Ty Borden? – Graham Wardle News!

Peter Duro
November 9, 2021 at 5:29 pm
If there is an episode where Amy has a new romance and marries I will watch that episode only once. As a hopeless romantic I have been addicted to seasons one through eleven and I watch them over and over. Even though Ty was still in seasons 12 and 13, I noticed a change in his and Amy’s relationship. Maybe the writers and producers knew at that time Ty would leave the series and it would limit the shock of his departure. As long as Heartland is available on Netflix I will binge watch seasons 1 through 11. I am a hopeless romantic and the love story portrayed through the actors of Ty and Amy reminds me of my love-life starting at age 20 and lasting for 47 years until separated by death. The episodes after season 11 are great stories but I enjoy, as a hopeless romantic, the greatest love story shown through the media.
February 13, 2022 at 12:35 am
I wish they would make what happen to Ty just a nightmare. Ty and Amy both got shot. So make it like Amy was in a coma a b f she just was just dreaming that happen to Ty. I seen something like that in another show. It would be nice to have a marriage last a long time.Amy and Ty were it.
Debra naporano
November 13, 2021 at 8:19 pm
Why couldn’t the storyline continue with Lou and Peter or Amy? Anyone can continue, why limit it to Georgie? I am hoping that peter and lou get back together.
Carmen Rosaly
November 15, 2021 at 12:21 am
I love this show! I hope it goes at least 5 more years. We need more good family shows like Heartland, especially here in the U.S where it seems TV is about crime and ugliness. Keep it coming, please!
November 18, 2021 at 4:51 am
You’d probably have more ratings if all the seasons were available on Netflix or Prime. I hope Lou gets back with Peter also.
January 17, 2022 at 12:20 am
I just got done with season 15 it was good. If you would like to see all of them downloaded the SurfNet app and you can see them all for free.
January 28, 2022 at 9:09 pm
I agree
December 2, 2021 at 11:34 pm
I haven’t seen Series 15 yet as not aired in UK, But I am always eager to Know whether the show gets renewed! It will be weird seeing Amy find a new romance but again this is expected as its life people can find love after a tragedy! I am also hoping Peter and Lou get back together!! It would be good to see Tim working more with Jack at the ranch! My only concern is the show could (and hopefully) get renewed for many more series, and watching Lyndy growing up, this also means that Jack will be getting really old and it’s just knowing what will happen regarding Jack! Nobody wants him to die! I’d love to see him (after a few series) work less and maybe have Tim taking over doing the “hard” jobs
Steve Kristensen
December 10, 2021 at 7:06 am
The story is great and it is about Heartland, not Ty. Yes he was a main person in the show, but if he wants to move on in real life, so be it. The show is about the Ranch, the whole family and the Horses… Continue on – Thank you.
December 11, 2021 at 1:09 am
I too was one who didn’t think I could get past Ty’s death. But, as much as we hate that Ty died, death is a part of life. I get that now. What Ty gave us was a chance to see how strong Amy really is. No one wants to die. There has always been that strong bond for me too at this young couple who stayed together against all odds, who kind of grew up to be adults together, who had growing pains together. But now he is gone. But Amy is still there. First the fans get upset a Graham Wardle for wanting to pursue other things in his life. Now people stopped watching and are punishing the rest of the cast by not watching. I can’t wait to see season 15 and 16 and so on. I want to watch Amber Marshall evolve Amy even more! She and the rest of the cast will move on from this. Amy will find a new love interest and so she should. Ty told her she would never be alone and I take that to mean she never should be. Shame on fair weather fans who walked out on Amy just when she needed them most! The original show was about Amy, and it still is. Please don’t stop watching!!! Let’s back them and keep it going! Just because we lose one person, let’s not lose an entire show because of it
December 14, 2021 at 3:03 am
Heartland must keep going! It’s a feel good family story! We ALL need this show; especially at this time and Heartland Has IT! The cast is still Amazing! The story warms All hearts**! And the horses; scenery; love and laughter whoa! Let’s keep a great thing going ok?! Your fans are Here and always will be!
Mark ion Reid
December 16, 2021 at 2:36 am
I will always love
Heartland it’s the best family show ever. I love season 15 it’s a new journey for Amy and I hope it continues.I love
all the Characters please keep it going. 

Mark ion Reid
December 16, 2021 at 2:49 am
I love Heartland it’s the best family show ever.And I hope the show will continue Love
all the characters and Ty will never be forgotten.It’s just a new chapter for Amy and Lyndy and the rest of the family.
Susan Pieratti
December 18, 2021 at 6:51 pm
I will keep watching as long as the series continues. I loved Amy and Ty’s story, but his death is just a reality of life. I like that there have been two seasons for Amy to mourn properly, but I think she may be ready to get back out there. Season 15 was a little slim on many of the main and supporting characters. I would love to see them all come back. I hope season 15 is not a wrap for the series! We need good, clean drama like this all over the world more than ever in these times.
Curt Brengle
December 20, 2021 at 8:44 pm
Having Ty
December 23, 2021 at 3:14 am
I’m from Puerto Rico and I enjoy the series and love to see season 16 soon .
Charlotte Hunt
December 23, 2021 at 4:34 pm
I hope to see heartland season 16 and see Amy move on with a new roarmance, why not finally let her move on. And to see Georgie and her guy guy get married would be great and maybe a baby on the way.
Beth Lawrence
December 30, 2021 at 6:37 pm
I just finished watching Season 15 of Heartland and have been reading comments of it not being the same show since Ty is no longer on it. I thought season 15 was just as good as any other season. I love this show and I would love to see Amy meet a new prospect and begin a slow kindling new relationship with a new partner. Please do not cancel this show!!!! It has so much potential!!
Linda Mole
January 1, 2022 at 7:44 am
We need more heartland. Season 15 left us hanging in the winds as to Amy and a new love as well as Lou and Peter getting remarried. We also wonder about Tim’s new marriage and where it goes from where it left off. Georgie needs to resurface as well.. please please have many more series .
January 4, 2022 at 10:15 pm
I love all the characters and the show is still great even without Ty. I loved Ty and Amy, but I do not want the show to end and we will get used to the fact Ty is not there anymore even though it’s been extremely hard to get over. But, that’s what makes it such a great show. These things happen in real life. I would even love it for Amy to find a new love. There is still so much that can be done with all the other character as well. Tim is one of my favorite character and brings so much laughter to his role and the show. There can also be prequels made with Jack’s life growing up and/or Tim and Marion. I mean the ranch has been in the family for over 100 years. Please keep making these stories, we need them!!!
David Martin
February 1, 2022 at 3:14 am
Heartland a show that is filled with Country Living and all the animals
the love stories. no offencive language or smut.I will watch Heartland
however number of Seasons produced on Netflix.
Richard Jaschke
February 9, 2022 at 6:30 am
We are from Washington coast just below Seattle/Tacoma area. We love the show and really look forward to seeing it each week.
Ty’s death was hard for us but dead is part of living. I believe the quicker you replace Ty’s caricature the better. A slow start to kindle a
Strong romance. The show could be stronger than before
Catherine Brady
February 14, 2022 at 9:35 am
We have just started to watch heartland on Netflix and love it and was disappointed to come to the end and we are looking forward to seeing episode 16
Catherine Brady
February 14, 2022 at 9:39 am
We have been watching all the episodes on Netflix and love it and can not wait to see session 16 we live in Australia and this show has made us think about going to Canada as it is such a pretty place
Pingback: Heartland Season 16 - What To Expect From The New Season?
March 12, 2022 at 12:21 am
To all that Want Amy to start a new relationship in season 16. Why? It took 6 yrs for her and Ty to get engaged then it took 2 yrs to finally get married! Ty and Amy went through hell to achieve the relationship they had it was tested to the extreme and they both came out of the fire together! I’m not against it but it’s gotta take some time! It took jack years to get over Lyndi, so why are you rushing Amy! As Amy said Ty was her soulmate it will be hard for her to find anyone who could ever make her feel accepted like Ty did! She needs to find her place in life without Ty and with just her and Lyndi! Once she has that all figured out then yes she can pursue a relationship but give it time!
Mary Montgomery
August 27, 2022 at 6:53 pm
I just recently started watching HEARTLAND, and amazed with the story. I watch it all day and sometimes have sleepless night watching the show. My heart was very sad when Ty died, was shocked because he was a main character on the show. Still enjoy the show and the storyline. Can’t want until new episodes.