Hearties, there’s a lot of passion in Hope Valley for the future. When Calls the Heart season 8 concludes with Elizabeth (played by Erin Krakow) putting the much-debated love story behind her and realizing that Lucas (played by Chris McNally) is the one who calls her love. This decision had been in the works for two years, and unsurprisingly, many Hearties expected a different conclusion, claiming that Nathan (played by Kevin McGarry) was the obvious and a better option. Some have even gone so far as to suggest he is abandoning the program entirely.
While Erin Krakow has stayed out of the fray, she is now making an effort to convince supporters that season 9 will be worth watching. In a recent TVLine interview, the Hallmark Channel star revealed some juicy information about her character’s growing relationship. “For years, we’ve watched a feud between these two, and this season… is no exception for the ones who are following the show! Lucas and Elizabeth are now able to appreciate and develop their relationship ” she said in an interview.
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Elizabeth and Lucas
But, of course, their connection is about more than just them. We’ve seen Lucas interact with Elizabeth’s kid, Little Jack, throughout the years. According to Erin, these two will become closer in Season 9. “We’re also seeing Lucas in a new perspective, as a father figure to Little Jack, who adores him,” she said.
In fact, Hallmark Channel released a sneak peek for season 9 in which Lucas stops by Elizabeth’s house to deliver a toy sailboat to Little Jack. Although it’s a tiny gesture, it’s more poignant since Lucas chose the gift with Jack’s late father in mind.
Who does Elizabeth marry after Jack dies in When Calls the Heart?

Elizabeth and Lucas
When Calls the Heart, for those who are unaware of what is going on in the series, follows the lives of people in the little village of Hope Valley, notably Elizabeth Thornton, a dedicated teacher in the community. Elizabeth had fallen in love with and married a Mountie throughout the first eight seasons of the program, but she soon becomes a widow following his tragic death. She gives birth to their son, whom she names Jack after her late husband.
Elizabeth adapts to life as a single mom in the years that followed her husband’s death and is actively pursued by two new love interests Lucas Bouchard and Nathan Grant. Elizabeth eventually chose between the two men in the season 8 finale, a decision that has divided fans and caused some mixed emotions When Elizabeth choose Lucas over Nathan, fans had a variety of feelings because of the death of Jack and the fact that she is currently in a relationship with Lucas.
Does Elizabeth Thornton have a baby in When Calls the Heart?

Elizabeth and her baby, Jack
Elizabeth Thornton gives birth to Jack Jr., renamed after her late husband, in the Christmas special before Season 6. While she first mourns Jack’s departure, she ultimately comes to appreciate tiny Jack as a means to remember him.
Nathan Grant, a rookie Mountie, arrives in town in Season 6. While he is initially chilly to Elizabeth, he warms up to her and develops affections for her. Elizabeth, on the other hand, is intrigued by another newbie to town, Lucas Bouchard. Elizabeth decides to dance with Bouchard in a Ladies’ Choice dance at the end of the season.
Does Elizabeth choose Nathan and Lucas?

Nathan and Elizabeth
While it would have been simple for the script producers to simply replicate the Mountie-teacher relationship following Jack’s death, that was not the path When Calls the Heart chose, much to the chagrin of some devoted fans. The Elizabeth-Nathan-Lucas love triangle, on the other hand, was started in season 6 and lasted until the conclusion of season 8.
Some people were outraged when Elizabeth ultimately picked Lucas in the season 8 finale. Many people believed that the pairing strayed too far from the essence of Janette Oke’s When Calls the Heart novels, which inspired the drama.

Nathan and Lucas
But, according to the producer, the choice was for When Calls the Heart and its characters to mature. Finally, the lengthy love triangle enabled When Calls the Heart to give Elizabeth time to absorb her sorrow and cope with the emotions associated with her husband’s death. Those sentiments resurfaced in season 8 when she discovered that Nathan was intended to lead the training trip that resulted in Jack’s death and that Nathan had gone to Hope Valley because he felt compelled to care about Jack’s wife and a small kid.
Finally, Elizabeth recognizes that her feelings for Nathan were not just about him. She was “projecting her own sadness over her late spouse onto him.” “And that wasn’t fair to him, nor was it fair to her,” the producer stated. That knowledge drove her into the arms of Lucas, who had supported her while she pursued her writing career and had patiently waited for her to indicate she was ready to take the next step in their relationship.
Will Elizabeth and Lucas marry in When Calls the Heart Season 9?

Elizabeth, Jack, and Lucas
As the ninth season of When Calls the Heart starts, Elizabeth Thornton and Lucas Bouchard are indeed united and making each other a commitment. It appears that everyone has moved on from the love triangle with Nathan Grant. But Nathan is still very much a part of Elizabeth’s life and the two are definitely spending time together. So, we do not know whether Elizabeth will stay true to her choice and marry Lucas, or have another cliffhanger for the fans.
What happened to Jack in When Calls the Heart?

Jack and Elizabeth
At the end of the fifth season of the Hallmark program, Jack Thornton was on a mission with a squad of trainees when he was sadly murdered by a landslide. The Mountie wrote a letter to his wife Elizabeth before leaving, fearing that the job might be too much for his body to take.
While the program has continued and Elizabeth has given her heart to another love or two, many Hearties are still curious about Jack’s demise. Lissing, who portrayed Jack for five seasons, saw this as a logical evolution for his career and his role. “Circumstances happened for me where I needed to leave When Calls the Heart for extremely personal reasons,” he explained on Facebook Live.
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