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Ozark Spin-Off Series – Everything We Know So Far

Ozark Spin-Off Series - Everything We Know So Far
Ozark Spin-Off Series

Sadly, our favorite series on Netflix, Ozark, recently bowed out with its 4th season. It’s not easy to get used to a world where we no longer get a new Ozark episode, so we’re looking forward to an Ozark spin-off. But will there be an Ozark spin-off? What’ll it be about? Here’s everything we know about the possible Ozark sequel.

Is There an Ozark Spin-off?

Is There an Ozark Spin-off?

Ozark Spin-off

Spin-offs of the popular TV series have high ratings on Netflix. For example, Better Call Saul, the spin-off of the crime series Breaking Bad, is as popular as its predecessor and its main character, Saul Goodman, competes with Walter White in the category of the best villains in the history of TV. Therefore, we believe that an Ozark spin-off is likely, since it was one of the most popular crime series on the streaming platform and there are numerous characters in the series whose stories are worth telling.

Fortunately, the Ozark spin-off is under the spotlight. Netflix hasn’t commented on the topic yet, but we know that Ozark has been a huge success for the streaming platform. So an Ozark spin-off would be a great thing for both fans and Netflix, as people are craving more Ozark episodes.

Also, showrunner Chris Mundy has spoken out on the issue, claiming that Netflix has been discussing the spin-off. He said that Season 4 isn’t the end, because there’s still a lot to tell about. However, if there’s a spin-off, the Byrdes and Ruth Langmore will reportedly not be in the series. Also, the spin-off will probably focus on the leader of the Mexican cartel Omar Navarro.

So, we don’t know for sure yet if there will be an Ozark spin-off or not, but one thing is for sure: we’d love to see Ozark return with a whole new story! Stay tuned for the latest Ozark news.

Also read: Ozark Season 4 Filming Locations – Where are the Ozarks?

Ozark Season 5

Ozark Spin-Off Series - Everything We Know So Far

Ozark Season 5

We’re sorry to tell you, but, as mentioned above, the popular crime series Ozark has been discontinued after Season 4. The two-part final season with a total of 14 episodes was released on January 21, 2022 with the first 7 episodes and the 2nd part on April 29, 2022. So, our favorite series on Netflix said goodbye to us with the 4th season.

Ozark Season 4 Ending Explained

Ozark Season 4 Ending Explained

Ozark Season 4 Ending Explained

Season 4 Part 1 ended with Ruth’s anger over Wyatt’s death, and Part 2 began with Ruth’s desire to get revenge on Javier Elizonndro. At the end of the series, she succeeds in killing Javier, but it costs her her life. In revenge for Javier’s death, Camila shoots and kills Ruth, which frustrated Ozark fans. All in all, we never wanted our favorite character to die.

Against all odds, the Byrdes manage to stay alive in the end. In Part 1, they’d agreed with Navarro that they could be freed from the cartel if they could broker a deal for him with FBI. But when Maya Miller arrested him, this time they’d to renegotiate with Javi and the FBI. But when Ruth took care of Javi, they tried again with Navarro, whom they’ve to have transferred to a Mexican prison, where he might be released and become the leader of the cartel again.

Ozark Season 4 Ending Explained

Season 4

With Navarro dead, Marty and Wendy make a deal with his sister Camila and FBI that allows them to go to Chicago and gain the influence and political authority Wendy has long wanted. This last episode was a happy ending for the Byrdes.

By the way, the car accident we saw at the beginning of Season 4 didn’t hurt the Byrdes and was probably just a distraction scene to get the hype going a bit.

What do you think about the end of Ozark? Are you satisfied with it? Do you think there will be an Ozark spin-off? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Also read: Best Jason Bateman Shows and Movies Ranked! – Ozark Actor

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