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Outlander Season 7 Release Date, Trailer – Is it Canceled?

Outlander Season 7 Release Date, Trailer - Is it Canceled?
Outlander Season 7 Release Date, Trailer

Recently, the season finale of Outlander Season 6 hit the screens, and the season of “droughtlander” has begun. We’ve been eagerly following the entire season of our favorite fantasy drama series. Now we wait with bated breath for Outlander Season 7, because the last season left us with a huge cliffhanger about the future of the against-the-times couple Jamie and Claire. If you’re wondering whether there will be a Season 7 of Outlander or not, keep scrolling. Here’s everything we know about the future of Outlander.

Will There Be a Season 7 of Outlander?

Outlander Season 7 Release Date, Trailer - Is it Canceled?

Outlander Season 7

Yes, there will be a Season 7 of Outlander! Due to the COVID -19 pandemic, Season 6 of the time travel series had to be cut short. Those who’ve seen Season 6 know that it only packs 8 episodes, which has upset fans of the series. Fortunately, Outlander Season 7 will consist of 16 episodes! According to reports, Season 7 will be based on the book Echo in the Bone.

Outlander actor Sam Heughan recently shared a picture on his Twitter account announcing that filming for season 7 has begun.

Unfortunately, though, the release date of Outlander Season 7 hasn’t been announced yet. We can only speculate and say that the upcoming season will probably premiere between March 2023 and June 2023, considering the premiere dates of the previous seasons.

Outlander Season 6 Ending Explained

 Outlander Season 6 Ending Explained

Outlander Season 6

Since Outlander Season 6 has only 8 episodes, the season finale ended with a big cliffhanger and left many questions unanswered. Nevertheless, we’ll take a look at what happened at the end of Season 6.

The season finale “I Am Not Alone,” starts with the security committee arriving at the Frasers’ house to arrest Claire. Soon their house is attacked and Jamie and Claire run around blocking the windows with dining tables and other furniture, while gunshots break windows, plates and all other things in their house.

Also read: Outlander Season 6 Cast Juicy Details – Who is Sam Heughan Girlfriend?

Jamie is convinced that Richard Brown is out for revenge after his brother’s death, but Brown says he only wants to take Claire to Salisbury, where there’s a court, so she can stand trial for Malva’s murder. Claire asks the housekeeper Mrs. Bug to get help, and Jamie notices Lizzie and Josiah scurrying off into the distance, hoping to find other family members to protect them. Unfortunately, they can’t get there fast enough, because one of Brown’s men has already entered the Frasers’ home. Jamie tries to fight off the men outside while Claire shoots him.

 Outlander Season 6 Ending Explained

Outlander Season 6 Ending Explained

Jamie then realizes that the only way he and Claire can go to Salisbury is if they both go with the committee. Tom Christie intervenes to ensure Claire and Jamie’s safety on the trip. The next day they set out for Salisbury, but Richard Brown’s plans are quickly thrown out the window when he learns that the local sheriff has resigned and no court will be held there. So Wilmington becomes their destination.

Outlander Season 6 Ending Explained


Because Jamie and Claire cannot escape, Brown’s men arrest Jamie the next morning, and Brown kidnaps Claire in a wagon to take her to Wilmington for the gallows. Tom Christie tries to intervene and demands that Brown guarantee Jamie’s safety before following Claire on the trip to make sure she’s not killed. A few days later, they arrive in Wilmington, where the townspeople are fighting for their freedom from the British and unrest reigns. Brown takes Claire to jail and threatens to hang her, although Tom Christie assures him that he’ll not leave her alone.

Is Outlander Based on a True Story?

Outlander Book Series

Outlander Book Series

No, Outlander isn’t based on a true story. The series was filmed based on the famous series of novels by Diana Gabaldon, so it’s fictional. However, we cannot deny that the series contains historical elements. The author of the book series has thoroughly researched 18th century Scotland before writing the books. So, although Outlander is pure fiction, it depicts a real 18th century Scotland – with all cultural elements and some historical facts. We believe this has increased the plausibility of the series’ story, which draws viewers into the historical and spatial atmosphere.

Also read: Every Single Outlander Season Ranked – Is Outlander Season 6 the Best?

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