When you love a show so much, suddenly you cannot talk about anything else. Usually, this obsession lasts for a few weeks or months at most. However, when the show in question is Heartland, we are talking about years of obsession over Hudson, ranch life, horses, and of course, multiple amazing characters. Two of those characters were Amy Fleming and Ty, who were the protagonists of the show that have grown together on screen.
Thus, there was a special bond between not only the two of them but also the audience as we have got to watch them for almost 15 years at this point. Unfortunately, recently, we had to say goodbye to one of these prominent characters, leaving the other alone while devastating the fans in the process. It took for the entirety of Season 14 to handle the death of Ty, meaning that we watched Amy mourning after him one episode after another.
Interestingly though, when Season 15 finally got released, we watched a totally different Amy, who seems much better than she was before and rarely mentions Ty. Naturally, many fans felt the need to ask the question: Did Amy Fleming really love Ty Borden?

Ty, Amy and their child
Amy Fleming and Ty Borden Relationship Explained
Back in 2007, when the show initially started, Amy and Ty were both teenagers who were in difficult periods of their lives. Ty had a troubled family background, from which he had to escape. Thankfully, he got lucky when Jack decided to take him in and give him a job at the Heartland ranch. So, it was the marking of a new beginning for Ty while saying a tragic and yet mandatory goodbye to his past. Amy Fleming, on the other hand, had just lost her mother in a grievous accident.
Since her father was missing for over ten years and her sister was living in New York, Amy was highly attached to her mother. Thus, naturally, the death of her devastated Amy. Besides, when she was grieving, her father came back, as well as her sister, making things more complicated than they already are. Now, she not only had to deal with the grief of losing her mom but also adapt to the return of these family members. While Lou’s return was mostly welcomed, her father’s attempt to come back was not an easy piece to swallow since a lot has gone under the bridge when he was gone.
At such a tricky point in their lives, fate brought Amy Fleming and Ty together. The two were immediately attracted to each other. However, beyond the attraction, they have felt a strong connection as they supported each other in these difficult times. Even though their friendship kicked off as just friends at first, gradually, it gained a romantic nature. Still, they have not been officially together until Season 3. Once they made things official though, things moved on mostly smoothly.

Amy Fleming and Ty Borden
Amy and Ty Break Up
Of course, they had some issues. But still, their mutual love and respect for each other have mostly prevailed over the obstacles. They even had to try a long-distance relationship at one point and managed to survive that as well. One thing led to another and in Season 8, Ty proposed to Amy in front of a camping fire. Their wedding was heartwarming and adorable as all of their loved ones were present. Soon after, they had their daughter, Lyndy, which made their bond even stronger. Hence, things were going great for the couple as they were planning to grow old together.
Unfortunately, fate intervenes. By fate, we mean Graham Wardle’s desire to explore other projects. Wardle, who was portraying Ty, decided to leave the show, and thus, the showrunners killed Ty off back in Season 14. The death was heartbreaking for everyone, including the audience. Still, there is no doubt that Amy was the one who devastated the most as she lost her life partner and best friend. For episodes, we watched her struggling to get used to the fact that Ty is no longer there.

Amy and Ty Getting Married
Why Amy Forget Ty?
Nevertheless, the presence of Lyndy empowered her and forced her to move on with her life even though she suffers inside. At least, this is what we assume about her. Unlike our assumption, many others think that she got over Ty too quickly and failed in delivering the pain of losing a husband in a genuine way. According to this view, such a lack of emotion on Amy’s part proves that she actually has never loved Ty truly. They claim that even though Amy was fond of Ty since he was a good man, she wasn’t in love with him as he was in love with her. Yes, it is a pretty bold statement to make.
In our opinion, such a view is a bit unfair to Amy Fleming. Yes, Ty has been the one who pushed things forward for the most part in their relationship. However, this doesn’t mean that Amy was neutral towards him. On the contrary, she has always shown how much she cares about him in every opportunity possible. She tried to be there for him whenever he needs.

Heartland Season 14 Plot- Amy and Lyndy
She even had a child with him, which says a lot. Besides, we believe that the idea of Amy was with Ty only because Ty wanted so, is inherently undermining Amy’s ability to have a decision for herself. Amy has always been a vocal woman about her feelings and desires in life. Thus, we believe that if she was not wanting to be with Ty, or not feel love towards him, she would have said it at one point. She is too honest of a person to live an entire life based on pretending.
In other words, Amy was absolutely loving Ty and she is still suffering from the pain of his death. The fact that she is moving on with her life does not suggest that she no longer cares for him. She simply has to survive for her daughter, her family, and herself.