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Best Black Mirror Episodes to Rewatch Before Black Mirror Season 6

Best Black Mirror Episodes to Rewatch Before Black Mirror Season 6
Best Black Mirror Episodes to Rewatch Before Black Mirror Season 6

It has been 3 years since we saw a new episode of Black Mirror, and finally, we learned a few weeks ago that a new season is on the way. Sources indicate that the showrunners are casting the new actors that will join the series, so there is still time for the 6th season to see the daylight. We don’t think we will be seeing Black Mirror Season 6 in 2022, but we’re guessing late 2023 will probably be it.

Until then, we have a lot of time on our hands. We have put together a list of the best Black Mirror episodes, which will be helpful for those who never watched the series and those who want to return to the best episodes.

1. “San Junipero”

San Junipero (21 October 2016)

San Junipero (21 October 2016)

San Junipero is probably one of the most memorable Black Mirror episodes, with its 80s setting, aesthetic, and unbelievable twist. The episode is about a young woman named Yorkie who falls in love with Kelly in a nightclub. The pair have sex, but Yorkie struggles to find Kelly afterward until a man tells her to look at a different time.

San Junipero is one of the most popular episodes of Black Mirror, and it was also well received by critics.

2. “U.S.S. Callister”

U.S.S. Callister (29 December 2017)

U.S.S. Callister (29 December 2017)

This episode, which was likened to Star Trek, like a lot, follows Captain Robert Dally and his crew on a spaceship. The order of the ship changes when a new woman joins the crew. They realize that the actual reason they are there is far more mysterious and that nothing is as it seems—one of the best episodes of Black Mirror, U.S.S. Callister could have even be a movie.

3. “The Entire History of You”

The Entire History of You (18 December 2011)

The Entire History of You (18 December 2011)

The 1st season’s final episode, The Entire History of You, was a story with a tremendous emotional impact. Imagine a world where everyone can record memories through a memory implant. In this world, a man named Liam suspects his wife is cheating on him, so he insanely rewatches all their memories to find evidence of her cheating.

The technology in this episode is remarkable and impressive. It also shows how people would act if a technology like that existed in real life.

4. “White Christmas”

White Christmas (16 December 2014)

White Christmas (16 December 2014)

The 2014 Christmas special, White Christmas, has 2 friends who share a cabin on a Christmas day. They share creepy stories from their real lives, and things get worse with each story, and, of course, as with most Black Mirror episodes, there is a shocking twist at the end.

Also See Black Mirror Season 6 Release Date, Trailer – Is it canceled?

5. “The National Anthem”

The National Anthem (4 December 2011)

The National Anthem (4 December 2011)

It would be treacherous to make a list of the best Black Mirror episodes and not include the legendary 1st episode of the series, called The National Anthem. In the episode, a British royal family member is kidnapped, and the kidnapper demands that the country’s prime minister have sex with a pig on live television. We know that it sounds ridiculous, but the story is full of tension and deserves the praise it received.

6. “Be Right Back”

Be Right Back (11 February 2013)

Be Right Back (11 February 2013)

Be Right Back is greatly haunting and heartbreaking as it follows a woman who recently lost her boyfriend in a car accident. The woman cannot get over his boyfriend’s death, so she signs up for a program that creates an artificial intelligence version of her boyfriend with whom she constantly interacts.

7. “Hated in the Nation”

Hated in the Nation (21 October 2016)

Hated in the Nation (21 October 2016)

Hated in the Nation takes place in a society where people on social media vote for the person they think deserves to die. Anyone who is named in the hashtag #DeathTo suddenly dies. This episode is special in that it shows how far the impact of social media can go.

8. “Bandersnatch”

Bandersnatch (28 December 2018)

Bandersnatch (28 December 2018)

Bandersnatch is an interactive, choose-your-own film that allows viewers to choose storylines and make decisions that will impact where the story goes. The storylines change according to the decision of the viewer. You should engage with Bandersnatch as it will make you feel like you’re playing a video game.

Also, read Best Netflix Shows With the Biggest Plot Twists

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