Japanese romantic comedy manga author Alifred Yamamoto created the series titled “Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove.” Thirteen volumes of it...
Paradise PD is a crime, action, dark comedy, and surreal comedy sitcom released on Netflix from the animated series. The adult animation Paradise PD...
Paradise PD Season 4 is the sequel season of American crime, comedy, action and surreal animated series Paradise PD. The Paradise PD animated series...
Natasha Allegri is the creator and writer of the American animated streaming television show Bee and PuppyCat. The series’s protagonist is Bee, a young,...
Big Mouth follows 7th grader teenagers, including best friends Nick and Andrew. We watch them as they navigate their way through puberty with struggles...
Firebuds cast members Padma Lakshmi, Melissa Rauch, Oscar Nuez, José Andrés, Pamela Adlon, ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic, Lisa Loeb, and Patton Oswalt voiced characters in...