The crown is heavy, and Viserys Targaryen inherits immense responsibility as he is anointed Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms in the first moments of HBO’s House of Dragon, but why does everybody love the show? It’s fitting that most of the 1st season of the drama focuses on a king attempting to measure up to his predecessor as it’s the exact responsibility shared by the House of Dragon. HBO’s House of Dragon has to follow one of the most popular television programs of all time, Game of Thrones, and it looks like it did a good job.
Perhaps more significantly, HBO’s House of Dragon will reawaken lapsed Game of Thrones enthusiasts, and the final season of that show was divisive. Whereas Game of Thrones became frenzied and, at times, unwieldy, House of Dragon returns viewers to a more stable Westeros, but was that a good thing? Let’s see why everybody loved HBO’s House of Dragon.
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What is House of Dragon About?

Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
The 1st episode of HBO’s House of Dragon begins 172 years before “The Mad King” Aerys Targaryen’s death, and House of Dragon is based on Fire and Blood, a volume of fictitious history written by George RR Martin. It chronicles the Targaryens’ height and subsequent collapse, and Martin did, in fact, write a 900-page book about them, but it looks like we’re never going to obtain Winds of Winter.
The conflicting houses of Westeros trying to become the dominating clan dominated most of Game of Thrones; House of Dragon, on the other hand, is all about the internecine warfare caused by many Targaryens and it all starts with competition. Following the death of Jaehaerys, the Great Council takes a succession vote in, pitting Prince Viserys against his cousin.
Viserys triumphs because the lords of Westeros will not accept a female monarch but that doesn’t stop him from designating his daughter Rhaenyra Targaryen as his heir. Viserys was clearly a forward-thinking man in his day, but his situation becomes difficult when he remarries and his new wife gives birth to a son. Viserys claims his son’s coming makes no difference, but an alarming issue looms. If Viserys dies, who in Westeros would accept a woman’s claim to the throne?
Is House of Dragon worth watching?

Daemon Targaryen
House of Dragon is a visually stunning and well-cast series that begins with a fascinating idea that would be fantastic by any criterion other than comparison to Game of Thrones, and the budget is larger and the VFX is greater than in the early seasons of Game of Thrones. However, the opening episode lacks the enormous hook that we received with Jamie tossing Bran. It’s absolutely worth seeing and expertly develops on the restricted source material of George RR Martin’s book as a fictional history book.
What Do People Say About House of Dragon?

Corlys Velaryon
The Game of Thrones prequel series has been in the works for years, House of Dragon, based on George R. R. Martin’s novel, launched on August 21 for a 10-episode 1st season, and critics have received access ahead of its broadcast, and their responses have been mixed. What did people say about HBO’s House of the Dragon?
Some people are saying that the debut of the show is a great, well-cast start to the Game Of Thrones spin-off, and in tone and content, this feels quite similar to its predecessor. It quickly builds a struggle for power centered on a pleasant, weak-willed monarch, as well as vibrant new people to fight those conflicts, and there are also dragons, inbreeding, and animosity.
Another critic starts with Fire & Blood, as it is written as a reference work, with little conversation and opposing viewpoints, and talks about how House of the Dragon transforms entries from an old-school Wikipedia into imperfect, flesh-and-blood humans. They make tweaks that improve the action, such as making the adolescent Rhaenyra and Alicent friends before conflicts arise as a solid set of performances helps them.

Alicent Hightower
Considine is a master of well-intentioned naivety as Viserys, while Matt Smith portrays a different, less duty-bound brand of a king, and we all know that Game of Thrones is centered on the flaws and faults of those in power while House of the Dragon follows in that tradition, immersing us in personal conflict.
Some others expressed their enjoyment, saying that the show begins carefully and modestly, much like Game of Thrones’ early days, taking its time to construct its characters, and establishing their peculiarities. It progressively maneuvers them into situations that imply only the most inescapable carnage on the horizon, so it’s a rich, multifaceted production, smartly written and elegantly directed, with a budget considerably exceeding the first show. There are extravagant dragon sequences from the outset, for example, and the 3rd episode depicts a massive celebration hunt, just like the book wanted.
Also Read: Get To Know The House Of The Dragon Characters! Who Is Who In The Game Of Thrones Spin-Off?