Are the fans of the show ready for Tiger and Bunny Season 3’s release? Tiger and Bunny’s 1st anime season debuted in April 2011 with a huge impact on the anime industry, and it was broadcast on Hulu, Viz Media, and Anime News Network thanks to the huge fanbase it developed in a short time. Later the Netflix subscribers were able to watch the show on the streaming site in 2017.
The original manga of the show was written by Sunrise and drawn by Sakakibara Mizuki and was serialized in Kadokawa Shoten. The show follows the events of the manga and it lasted from September 2011 to December 2014, with nine volumes in total. You can find the English translation of the manga in English under Viz Media’s Newtype Ace.
Nikkan Sports revealed in March 2019 that a 2nd season to the original series was in the works with Bandai Namco Pictures, and fans got what they deserved after 11 years in 2022 with the release of Tiger and Bunny Season 2. But what about Tiger and Bunny Season 3? Fans are already wondering about Tiger and Bunny Season 3 even though Season 2 was released just a few days ago.
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Tiger and Bunny Season 3

Tiger and Bunny on Netflix
As anime fans, we are accustomed to extended gaps between seasons but what is the deal with Tiger and Bunny Season 2? We waited for 11 years, shame on you, producers! We waited a long time for our favorite series to get a 2nd season, someone should Tiger and Bunny Season 3 from the same fate. Few fanbases have endured a break as long as the Tiger and Bunny’s, and as a fan, I understand your pain.
However, it does not mean that the producers gave us nothing. We had several spin-offs, sequels, and movies related to Tiger and Bunny over the course of 11 years. With Tiger and Bunny Season 2 launching just a few days ago, we are on the wait again for Tiger and Bunny Season 3.
The sad news is Netflix hasn’t stated anything publicly about the renewal until today, but if the show got extended after 11 years, there is a very high chance for Tiger and Bunny Season 3.
Season 2 of Tiger and Bunny is being created as a split-cour production, which means it is in one season but is distributed in chapters that get released after short breaks. So, despite the fact that Tiger and Bunny 2 was published recently on Netflix, you can safely assume that Tiger and Bunny Season 3 will hit the screens in the future.
Tiger & Bunny Season 2 Ending Explained

Kotetsu T. Kaburagi
Tiger and Barnaby are two characters from the anime series who aim to serve as role models for the new heroic talents. In the story, black clouds are gathering over Stern Bild City tragically, and it is our heroes’ job to solve the problem. Hugan and Mugan are the villains who want evil, and later we see high-ranking heroes Sky High and Fire Emblem being assaulted and discovered frozen.
Consequently, when the villain team comes to confront the heroes, the only thing they could do was to gather up to come up with a plan. Looks like our heroes could come up with a good plan because Mugan and Hugan are finally killed, leaving some of the heroes injured.
Since there is no clear info about Tiger and Bunny Season 3, there is no new trailer for it, but in the meantime, you can watch the trailer for the 2nd season below.
Tiger & Bunny Characters
Tiger and Bunny is a mystery-action Japanese anime created by Bandai Namco Pictures and has the characters called Kotetsu T. Kaburagi and Barnaby Brooks Jr. Kotetsu is a legendary hero from Stern Bild City, where a limited few lucky individuals are born with exceptional abilities and he is one of them.
Unfortunately, after struggling for several months to not work with Barnaby, Kotetsu is partnered up with him who is another hero from the series, but their abilities and natures totally crash!
Dragon Kid Tiger and Bunny

Dragon Kid
Pao-Lin Huang, better known as Dragon Kid, is a youthful kung fu warrior with a lightning-producing staff which many fans of the show watched with admiration. However, you can see her advertising for a Japanese food business Calbee, and the Japanese website in the show, which is an interesting fact.
Throughout the series, Pao-Lin lives with her adviser Natasha and she is also her legal guardian since her parents are always away somewhere. At first, we watch her having a masculine character, but later she seems to accept it.
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