Dracula Untold returns to the origins of the vampire and Dracula mythos by concentrating on the narrative of a genuine legend, Vlad the Impaler.
This epic action film, directed by Gary Shore in his directorial debut, focuses on the forgotten narrative of Dracula. Luke Evans plays Vlad / Dracula, and the cast also includes Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper, Art Parkinson, and Charles Dance.
The plot of ‘Dracula Untold‘ revolves around Vlad III Draculea (Luke Evans), the prince of Wallachia and Transylvania and a deathly warrior who is dreaded by other countries. He is known as “Vlad the Impaler” because he slaughtered hundreds of people by impaling them on spears.
Things take a nasty turn, however, when Vlad strikes a pact with the vampire that loses him his humanity. All in order to defend his people and family from an Ottoman army onslaught. He changes into a vampire, gaining supernatural strength and abilities.
Is Dracula Untold 2 coming out?
Despite garnering mostly unfavorable critical reviews, the film was a box office success, collecting more than $215 million on a $70 million budget. Several individuals applauded the film’s performances and visual effects, as well as how it depicted Dracula’s actual origin tale.
‘Dracula Untold’ was made with sequels in mind, and its finale even allows potential for one. It intended to kick off Universal’s ‘Dark Universe,’ an effort to build a new cinematic universe based on the legendary Universal Monster film franchise. Unfortunately, things did not proceed as planned.
Even though Alex Proyas was supposed to direct, and Sam Worthington (Avatar) was set to play the lead, Universal cancelled the production due to budget concerns.

Is Dracula Untold 2 coming out?
Is Dracula Untold a flop?
For about three-quarters of the film, the audience is left with essentially a godlike entity unleashing demonic vengeance on his pitifully powerless foes. As you can expect, that doesn’t leave much room for suspense or drama.
There is nothing the film can do to make the viewer feel emotionally connected if the main character is not in appropriate danger and experiences no interpersonal struggle. A film that strives to be a tragic character drama fails fundamentally.
Dracula Untold suffers from misuse of its primary character. While the plot is undeniably Vlad’s, there is no internal conflict.
Unfortunately, the rest of the ensemble does little to divert the audience’s attention away from the fundamental issue. As Vlad’s wife and the Turkish Sultan, Sarah Gadon and Dominic Cooper deliver respectable performances, yet neither has especially interesting nor developed characters.
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Is Dracula Untold a flop?
Is there a Dracula Untold series?
There is no way of knowing whether and when a sequel to ‘Dracula Untold’ will be released because it has not yet been announced.
Universal is already working on more reboots for its “Dark Universe,” including the 2020 release of “Invisible Man.” If ‘Dracula Untold 2’ is made, it will be released in 2024 or later.
No one seems to have an idea because there have been no confirmations of a sequel. However, according to our estimates, Luke Evans has constantly expressed interest in the possible sequel.
He also revealed that discussions had taken place regarding incorporating his character in future editions of the cinematic world.

Luke Evans for Dracula Untold
What is the meaning of the end of Dracula Untold?
The final scene takes place in the present day, and Vlad still has the same appearance, hinting that he became a Dracula and lived for centuries.
The blonde lady Vlad speaks with looks to be the reincarnated form of his departed wife, and they are reunited in this time and world as they had anticipated. The man pursuing them is most certainly the cursed man from the cave, who will torment Vlad.
As fans of vampire movies, Dracula is the pioneer of the genre for us. We were excited when Dracula was revised with Dracula Unfold and presented to the screens. This was because we thought there would be a continuation of this movie, just like the other series.
Although the possibility of a Vampire world being recreated gives us hope, this dream will most likely not come true.
We shall be watching happenings with bated breath.
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September 24, 2022 at 9:42 pm
I need Dracula untold 2 to come out its been far to long.